So I started this blog, and it’s running on a virtual server somewhere in the cloud. What happens if it disappears?

This worried me. So I set out to find a backup solution. After some googling, here’s what I came up with.

I found a plugin called Revisr which can automagically commit changes to your WordPress directory and/or database to a Git repo, and push them to a remote. After activating it, a new section gets added to your admin dashboard where you can configure the plugin’s settings, like the path to your remote, authentication, etc.

So I did all of that, and lo and behold:

Time to roll up the sleeves and pull out the SSH.

Revisr initializes a .git directory in your WordPress root and commits everything it finds in there, unless you configure it to do otherwise. It forks a subprocess as the same user as your webserver, typically www-data. Since www-data doesn’t have access to my private SSH key I use to authenticate with my remote Git repository, no dice.

So we need to create a SSH key pair for www-data:

$ sudo -u www-data ssh-keygen

And then add the public key to our remote with write access.

Next problem: host key checking.

By default, SSH refuses to connect to hosts whose keys it’s never seen before. If you’ve ever seen this prompt:

The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:blahblahblah.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

And then you type y <Enter>, and then SSH kindly asks you to explicitly either type yes or no, and you go “ughhh”… yeah. That’s host key checking.

To fix it, we need to add our remote’s host key to www-data’s known hosts file. This can be done by doing what Revisr already tried and failed to do - pushing to remote - but since we’re in an interactive shell, we can type yes and be on our merry way:

$ cd /var/www/html
$ sudo -u www-data git push -u origin master

Note the sudo again - we have to make sure we’re doing things as the right user, and chances are, you’re not logged in to your server as www-data given that his login shell is /usr/sbin/nologin by default. Don’t change this.

You should get a prompt about your remote server’s host key. Once we’ve added the key and performed our first push, Revisr should have no problem pushing future changes.

Blog away, worry-free.